Rozwiązanie Smart PV z systemem magazynowania energii dla obiektów mieszkalnych

Komercyjno-przemysłowe rozwiązanie Smart PV z systemem magazynowania energii

Rozwiązanie Smart PV z systemem magazynowania energii dla zakładów użyteczności publicznej

Rozwiązanie z inteligentnym, szeregowym systemem magazynowania energii dla zakładów użyteczności publicznej

Rozwiązanie mikrosieci inteligentnej

Wszystkie produkty
Inteligentny sterownik modułów
Inteligentny sterownik energii
Sterownik Smart PV
Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii
FusionCharge AC
system zarządzania
Charakterystyka cyfrowa


Inteligentny sterownik energii

Większa moc, praca dwufazowa
Bezpieczeństwo zasilania, aktywne bezpieczeństwo
gotowy na przyszłość

Smart Energy Controller 4


Inteligentny sterownik energii

AI powered arcing protection
Compatible with SUN2000-450W-P2/SUN2000-600W-P
Compatible with MERC-1100/1300W-P

Smart Energy Controller 1


Inteligentny sterownik energii

AI Powered Active Arcing Protection
Compatible with SUN2000-450W-P2/SUN2000-600W-P
5KW AC Output plus 5KW Battery Charge

Smart Energy Controller 3

SUN2000-12/15/17/20KTL-M2 (High Current Version)

Inteligentny sterownik energii

AI powered arcing protection
Compatible with SUN2000-450W-P2/SUN2000-600W-P
Compatible with MERC-1100/1300W-P

Smart Energy Controller 2

SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M1 (High Current Version)

Inteligentny sterownik energii

AI powered arcing protection
Compatible with SUN2000-450W-P2/SUN2000-600W-P
Battery ready by direct Plug & Play

Accessories 2

Smart Dongle-4G


Plug & Play connection to inverter
4G communication via Smart Dongle-4G
Support max 10 inverters communication

Smart String ESS 1


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

A string of battery modules for flexible expansion
More usable energy with pack level energy optimization
Safe & reliable performance with LFP cell

Management System 1

FusionSolar Smart PV Management System

system zarządzania

Easy & Intuitive Monitoring by Web and App.
Site creation by scanning devices in the system.
Visual system energy flow and module performance.

Accessories 1

Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE


Plug & Play connection to inverter
WLAN/Fast Ethernet communication via Smart Dongle-FE
Support max 10 inverters communication

smartps 100a s0



accuracy > class 1 with full temperature range
Power export limitation control

Accessories 3

Backup Box-B0/B1


Automatic detection & switchover
Provide Reliable backup power

chargingpost 230201


FusionCharge AC

3 charge modes for greater flexibility
Dynamic charging power, reliable charging without tripping
Easy charging with auto-authentication.

Smart Module Controller 1

MERC-1100/1300W - P

Inteligentny sterownik modułów

Support module current up to 20A
Long string design for lower BOS
Safe voltage rapid shutdown

Accessories 3

Smart Power Sensor DTSU666-H 100A


accuracy > class 1 with full temperature range
Power export limitation control

smartps 80ai t0



accuracy > class 1 with full temperature range
Power export limitation control
Support external CT to extend Range

Smart Module Controller 1


Inteligentny sterownik modułów

Module level optimization
Safe voltage rapid shutdown
Module level monitoring < 5s Auto mapping

Digital Characteristic 1

SmartDesign 2.0

Charakterystyka cyfrowa

The SmartDesign is an online design
platform for Huawei smart PV solution
to assist the plant system design.



Sterownik Smart PV

Aktywne bezpieczeństwo, więcej energii
Długotrwała niezawodność, uproszczona obsługa i utrzymanie
Wyższa wydajność, przyjazny dla przemysłu

Smart PV Controller 5


Sterownik Smart PV

String-level Management Smart IV
Curve Dignosis Supported MBUS IP66 Protection
Arc Fault Protection Design Surge Arrester for both DC and AC

Smart PV Controller 5


Sterownik Smart PV

String-level Management Smart IV
Curve Dignosis Supported MBUS Supported Fuse Free
Design Surge Arrester for both DC and AC IP66 Protection

smartps 80ai t0



accuracy > class 1 with full temperature range
Power export limitation control
Support external CT to extend Range

Smart Module Controller 1

MERC-1100/1300W - P

Inteligentny sterownik modułów

Support module current up to 20A
Long string design for lower BOS
Safe voltage rapid shutdown


Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis

Charakterystyka cyfrowa

String I-V curve analysis with advanced diagnosis
algorithm. Help to achieve higher O&M efficiency,
proactive maintenance and lower operation cost.

Intelligent photovoltaic cloud

Fusionsolar Smart PV Management System

system zarządzania

Easy & Intuitive Monitoring by Web and App.
Site creation by scanning devices in the system.
Visual system energy flow and module performance.

Accessories 1

Smart Dongle-WLAN-FE


Plug & Play connection to inverter
WLAN/Fast Ethernet communication via Smart Dongle-FE
Support max 10 inverters communication

Accessories 2

Smart Dongle-4G


Plug & Play connection to inverter
4G communication via Smart Dongle-4G
Support max 10 inverters communication

Smart String ESS 2


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy
Simple O&M
Safe & Reliable

Smart PV Controller 2


Sterownik Smart PV

AI powered arcing protection
Compatible with SUN2000-450W-P2/SUN2000-600W-P
Compatible with MERC-1100/1300W-P

luna2000 200kwhg 2h1 img


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy
Simple O&M
Safe & Reliable

Smart PV Controller 5


Sterownik Smart PV

String-level Management Smart IV
Curve Dignosis Supported MBUS Supported Fuse Free
Design Surge Arrester for both DC and AC IP66 Protection

Smart PV Controller 3


Sterownik Smart PV

AI powered arcing protection
Built-in PID recovery for higher yields
Compatible with MERC-1100/1300W-P

Accessories 3

Smart Power Sensor DTSU666-H 100A


accuracy > class 1 with full temperature range
Power export limitation control

Accessories 5

Distribution Transformer DTS-200K-D0


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 3

Smart Transformer Station JUPITER-9000K-H0(Preliminary)


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 4

Smart Transformer Station STS-6000K-H1


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 5

Smart Transformer Station STS-3000K-H1


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 6

DC LV Panel DCBOX-9/5-H0



management system 1 230201

FusionSolar Smart PV Management System

system zarządzania

Easy & Intuitive Monitoring by Web and App.
Site creation by scanning devices in the system.
Visual system energy flow and module performance.

Accessories 1



Smart, One-click commissioning Simple,
Deployment wizard allowed Reliable,
Safety improvement by lightning protection module

Accessories 1



Smart, One-click Commissioning Simple
,SmartPID2000 & Smartlogger3000B
Pre-installed with Multiple Interfaces Reliable

Digital Characteristic 1

Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis

Charakterystyka cyfrowa

String I-V curve analysis with advanced diagnosis
algorithm.Help to achieve higher O&M efficiency,
proactive maintenance and lower operation cost.

management system 2 230201

Smart PV Plant Management System

system zarządzania

Locally deployed management systems,
Enabling refined and centralised monitoring,
Efficient O&M,unified management of PV and ESS plants.

Digital Characteristic 2

Smart Tracker Control Algorithm (SDS)

Charakterystyka cyfrowa

With AI technology and closed-loop control,
achieving higher yields especially
in complex terrain and weather scenarios.

smart pv controller 3 230201


Sterownik Smart PV

Higher Yields,Smart O&M,
Safe and Reliable, Grid Supporting

smart pv controller 3 230201


Sterownik Smart PV

Higher Yields,Smart O&M,
Safe and Reliable, Grid Supporting

smart pv controller 3 230201


Sterownik Smart PV

Higher Yields,Smart O&M,
Safe and Reliable, Grid Supporting

smart pv controller 3 230201


Sterownik Smart PV

Higher Yields,Smart O&M,
Safe and Reliable, Grid Supporting

Smart PV Controller 1


Sterownik Smart PV

Optimal BOS、Higher Yields、
Smart O&M、Safe and Reliable、Grid Friendly

Accessories 6

Smart Transformer Station JUPITER-9000K-H0(Preliminary)


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 5

Smart Transformer Station STS-6000K-H1


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 4

Smart Transformer Station STS-3000K-H1


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 5

Distribution Transformer DTS-200K-D0


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Smart String ESS 3


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy Optimal Investment
Simple O&M Safety and Reliability

Smart String ESS 1


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy Optimal Investment
Simple O&M Safety and Reliability

Smart String ESS 2


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy Optimal Investment
Simple O&M Safety and Reliability

Smart String ESS 4

Smart PCS LUNA2000-200KTL-H0

Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy Optimal Investment
Simple O&M Safety and Reliability

Accessories 2

DC LV Panel DCBOX-9/5-H0



Accessories 1

Smart Array Control Unit SmartACU2000D


Smart Simple

Management System 2

Smart PV Plant Management System

system zarządzania

Locally deployed management systems,
Enabling refined and centralised monitoring,
Efficient O&M,unified management of PV and ESS plants.

Management System 1

FusionSolar Smart PV Management System

system zarządzania

Easy & Intuitive Monitoring by Web and App.
Site creation by scanning devices in the system.
Visual system energy flow and module performance.

Accessories 2

Smart Transformer Station JUPITER-9000K-H0(Preliminary)


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 3

Smart Transformer Station STS-6000K-H1


Simple Efficient Smart Reliable

Accessories 4

Smart Transformer Station STS-3000K-H1


Simple Efficient
Smart Reliable

Accessories 5

Distribution Transformer DTS-200K-D0



smart string inverter 3 230201


Sterownik Smart PV

Higher Yields,Smart O&M,
Safe and Reliable, Grid Supporting

Smart PV Controller 1


Sterownik Smart PV

Optimal BOS、Higher Yields、
Smart O&M、Safe and Reliable、Grid Friendly

Smart String Inverter 1


Sterownik Smart PV

Higher Yields,Smart O&M,
Safe and Reliable, Grid Supporting

smart string inverter 3 230201


Sterownik Smart PV

Higher Yields,Smart O&M,
Safe and Reliable, Grid Supporting

Smart String Inverter 1


Sterownik Smart PV

Optimal BOS、Higher Yields、
Smart O&M、Safe and Reliable、Grid Friendly

Accessories 6



Smart, One-click commissioning Simple,
Deployment wizard allowed Reliable,
Safety improvement by lightning protection module

Accessories 1

Smart Array Control Unit SmartACU2000D


Smart Simple

Smart String ESS 3


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy Optimal Investment
Simple O&M Safety and Reliability

Smart String ESS 2


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy Optimal Investment
Simple O&M Safety and Reliability

Smart String ESS 1


Inteligentny, szeregowy magazyn energii

More Energy Optimal Investment
Simple O&M Safety and Reliability

Digital Characteristic 2

Smart Tracker Control Algorithm (SDS)

Charakterystyka cyfrowa

Digital Characteristic
With AI technology and closed-loop control,
achieving higher yields especially
in complex terrain and weather scenarios.

Digital Characteristic 1

Smart I-V Curve Diagnosis

Charakterystyka cyfrowa

String I-V curve analysis with advanced diagnosis
algorithm.Help to achieve higher O&M efficiency,
proactive maintenance and lower operation cost.

Management System 1

Smart PV Plant Management System

system zarządzania

Locally deployed management systems.
Enabling refined and centralised monitoring.
Efficient O&M,unified management of PV & ESS plants.

Management System 1

FusionSolar Smart PV Management System

system zarządzania

Easy & Intuitive Monitoring by Web and App.
Site creation by scanning devices in the system.
Visual system energy flow and module performance.