SUN5000 Series | Smart String Inverter | HUAWEI Smart PV Global

Residential Smart PV Solution SUN5000 Series
Residential Smart PV Solution SUN5000 Series
Residential Smart PV Solution SUN5000 Series

Residential Smart PV Solution

SUN5000 SeriesNEW

Evolve Beyond Powering

Efficiency Evolution shadow

Efficiency Evolution

Safety Evolution shadow

Safety Evolution

Convenience Evolution shadow



Efficiency Evolution

Go Together, Yield Higher

Introducing a remarkable collaboration between inverters and optimizers, the SUN5000 Series is designed to deliver peak performance. Thanks to Huawei's innovative optimizing system, each PV module operates independently at its best, minimizing power loss even in shaded areas.
Say goodbye to mismatches and hello to unparalleled energy efficiency.

Go Together, Yield Higher




Higher Yields*

More Capacity,
More Productivity

More Capacity, More Productivity

Safety Evolution

  • AFCI Protection

  • Rapid Shutdown

With its intelligent Arc-fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) protection, the energy controller can disconnect any DC arc within 0.5 seconds, averting the fire risk. The proactive protection ensures the safety of both people and property.
More sun on the roof, less worries on your mind.

In an emergency, the Rapid Shutdown (RSD) function quickly reduces the roof voltage to 30 volts in 30 seconds, granting safe access to the roof and mitigating potential electrical hazards.

Convenience Evolution

SmartDesign 2.0

Automatic modeling Automatic layout Automatic connection Sales support

Cutting-edge image recognition technology and algorithms efficiently generate accurate 3D models of buildings.

Most palatable layout scheme for efficient installation and optimized power solution based on intelligent algorithms.

Fast establishment of devices connection and solution with topology diagram, visually displaying the devices linkup.

Professional and visual data presentation for easy understanding at a glance, boosting up sales communication.

Ready to Install

Enjoy an easy, worry-free, and time-saving PV system setup with Huawei Smart Module Controller. You can upgrade your system with Huawei batteries or backup box whenever necessary. This pairing can store daytime solar energy and provide eco-friendly power for nights and overcast days, enabling a 24/7 green life.

One-fits-all, Ready to Install

More Reliable than You Could Ever Imagine

The FusionSolar app lets you view energy yield, revenue, and other information anywhere. In the event of any malfunction, the instant fault-locating feature kicks in to reduce the necessity for on-site maintenance.

More Reliable than you Could Ever Imagine.

Durability for the Long Haul

Durability for the Long Haul



Smart String ESS

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Smart Energy Controller

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Smart Energy Controller

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Smart Module Controller

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  • *Maximum number of modules in one string in Single/Three-phase Scenario.
  • **The warranty differs from countries and regions, please refer to the warranty whitepaper.