Capture Green Lifestyles and Win Exciting Prizes! Huawei FusionSolar Creators’ Cup kicks off

Mar 20, 2025

Capture Green Lifestyles and Win Exciting Prizes! Huawei FusionSolar Creators’ Cup kicks off

When cameras illuminate solar PV, inspiring interactions between technology and nature emerge. On March 20, 2025, Huawei FusionSolar Creators’ Cup was launched, calling for creative works from global PV installers. The event is designed to demonstrate the technical value, aesthetic effect, and positive impact of PV and energy storage systems (ESSs) in residential, commercial, and industrial scenarios through the language of lens. The top award is worth of US$100,000. Submissions will be accepted from April 1 until July 31.

Capture Green Lifestyles and Win Exciting Prizes! Huawei FusionSolar Creators’ Cup kicks off

Creating your solar stories
Five sessions: Capturing the world of PV & ESS in your eyes

• "Listen! What They Say": Installers can communicate deeply with home owners, and record their original intentions of choosing Huawei FusionSolar and the changes that solar energy brings.
• "Look! My Masterpieces": Installers also create vlogs or images to unveil the impressive installation details and great moments of the PV & ESS solution in real-world sites.
• "Shh! The Winning Formula": Installers can demonstrate their technical strengths by presenting the performance advantages and customer benefits of FusionSolar products.
• "Experience! It Makes Our Day": Installers can capture fresh stories and interesting moments during their daily work.
• Moreover, the contest encourages breakthroughs to unlock more fresh and cutting-edge expressions and show their creativity.

Recording PV & ESS products with cameras
Inviting global installers to tell their solar stories

Awards in the contest include the "Best Creation of the Year," "Best Video/Image of the Year," and "Top Picks of the Month." Award winners will be granted customized trophies and gifts. The creations should focus on Huawei FusionSolar products. A video should be no longer than 5 minutes. An image should be storytelling and contain product elements. Participants can join the contest on YouTube and Facebook, and mark the specified topics to facilitate assessment.

PV installations keep growing around the world, presenting significant opportunities of development. As an indispensable role in the PV industry ecosystem, installers not only put technologies into play, but also act as a bridge between customers and the industry.

Installers are encouraged to join Huawei FusionSolar Creators’ Cup and record their solar stories with cameras in the journey toward a sustainable future.

For more information, please visit the Huawei FusionSolar official website or follow its official account on social media.