Making the Most of Every Ray

SNEC 2024

  • June 12–15
  • NECC Shanghai, China
  • Booth No.: B110 Hall 6.1


Carbon neutrality is leading profound transformations in various industries. Decarbonization, electrification, digitalization, and intelligence are the four key pathways toward energy transformation.

At the forefront of this movement, Huawei integrates digital and power electronics technologies to develop new fully intelligent PV+ESS solutions for utility-scale, microgrid, C&I, and residential scenarios, accelerating the commercial application of smart string & grid-forming ESS solution. This innovation leads the industry toward higher quality standards and fosters collaboration within an ecosystem of partners for mutual success. Let' s start a new chapter in the low-carbon world powered by technological innovation through industry cooperation.

We cordially invite you to attend SNEC 2024 where industry leaders, practitioners, and advocates come together to champion green and sustainable development. Together, let' s explore how PV+ESS solutions play a pivotal role in achieving carbon neutrality. Join us as we map out the blueprint for a sustainable tomorrow.

Charles Yang

Senior Vice President, Huawei Technologies

President of Global Marketing, Sales and Services, Huawei Digital Power